Sunday, May 5, 2019

Open Letter To Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Chair Senate Judiciary Committee

The document attached to this open letter was compiled and created by me (Hong Gan) from my website - The Crime described in this document had been reported to Congress and the FBI last year. [See this open letter 9/4/18 to Congress, the then Chair or Speaker of House and the then chair subcommittee of Senate Judiciary committee Ted Cruz and see this open letter to: FBI victim specialist - director of Victim Division in FBI].

With the added content for motive analysis and the detail of the events before and after the Crime, I compiled this document to submit to you, trying to raise a serious and urgent issue that I believed to be related to the very fundamental principles that backed up and is the very foundation of our constitution: the natural law that dictate our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness; and our separation of power among different branches of our government.

I had drafted an article of impeachment based on This Felony Hate Crime committed by Donald Trump, according to Jefferson Manual, and published and submitted to the House via the intermediary website: formal impeachment memorial. [it is accessible from my website: click ‘Impeach’ tab or sidebar menu: article of impeachment (stand alone version)]. Although constitution give the House the power to start an impeachment proceeding, but Only the Senator has the power to try and convict the offender.

Recently, the Looming case of the alleged Conspiracy of Trump and Russia in Russia’s Interference In Our Election was moving into the new crossroad. Mueller chose not to indict Donald Trump even though his investigation revealed Donald Trump obstructed justice, his Campaign might violated Campaign Finance Law, [original quote: the investigation did not establish particular facts - does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.]. A dominant portion (my personal view) that has shaped his prosecutorial decision was his perception and prediction of the events after the Litigation - the question whether sustained conviction could be obtained or not in addition to the regulations and rules that restricted his freedom to make such decisions and the unprecedence of the obstruction of justice law on the sitting ‘president’ (frankly I used Individuale 45 to identify Donald Trump) and the difficult issue arised that might hinder the smooth advance of a litigation.

Same is true for the House to make such an impeachment decision when they perceived a mounting hurdle in front of them that they do not believe they could jump over it. - ⅔ marjory vote in Senate.

However, there is/was nothing that could prevent us from launching an investigation on This Crime, particularly because the implication and the threat this Crime had and is going to negatively impact the safety of our civil community. Based on my observation, the Individual 45 has been taking advantage of this Crime to intimidate people, obstruct justice (see my Daily Log) for my case. Its rippling effect are spreading to the other areas of the Society including different branches of our government at different levels. I had identified him as habitually using mob tactics to address disagreements.

It is a right thing that everyone of us has the freedom to choose who to be our friends. However, when evidence is showing that your friend is a Felon, is corrupt, is unethical, and is unpatriotic. Cautions need to be exercised, it is the life-critical decision (to me) to not to side with Evil. At the time when you wittingly or unwittingly, intentionally or unintentionally entangled with the deeds and actions with the Evil, you put yourself at an increased probability of being unable to clear yourself when more and more crimes were being exposed to the public.

No one can be above law, this is not hard for the General Public to accept; and no one can escape the punishment by the law and no one can escape the scrutiny by HISTORY, especially when certain events went outside our current ‘TIMEFRAME” of the history . Our hIndsight and our Indifference when we go outside the confine of our current timeframe has given us the better vantage point to exam history in a more objective and righteous way.

If the Crime described in this document could not ALERT you, then the General Public are impossible to be Enlightened. The Invisible Weapon described in This Crime and the Absence of the criminal in the Crime Scene obligate politicians to question: Why Congress know nothing about this Invisible Weapon, where it is/was and how much more it could do to damage human body, through what agency it was being operated; why Congress could not have a word on it, regulate it when evidence is showing the threat and the abusive usage of this power?

This is a nonpartisan issue. It is the time that we have the determination to confront this threat, this issue and take actions to try to investigate it and solve it. This Crime is closely related to the issue I described as ‘We Are Not Robotics’ [see my website click We Are Not Robotic]. The investigation of This Crime would naturally invoke the investigation of this issue, to me, is critical - because this issue is the reason and motive (described in detail in this document) which triggered Donald Trump’s Hate Crime and is also what he is continuing to do everyday to harm the victim’s physical body. [see my Daily Log]

Hong Gan (

Attached Document - Donald Trump Fractured My Femur Bone

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Crimes Logged by Victim Hong Gan