Thursday, April 4, 2019

Steele Dossier: Comparison of Allegations With Later Findings

Steele Dossier as a Raw Intelligence Report

The Steele Dossier compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele is a series of  raw reports (35 pages) painted a picture of active collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump and Trump associates based on years of Russia intelligence work from Sources.
Potential credibility of the reports’ overall narrative based on John Sipher's former CIA colleagues' experienced understanding of both Russian methods and the nature of raw intelligence reporting was backed by their notion that the format, structure, and language of the dossier mirrored what they had seen over a career of reading SIS reports provided to CIA in liaison channels.

Raw intelligence reporting does not vouch for the accuracy of the information, instead it is the accuracy of what the sources/sub-sources claimed had happened that require validation. It left with the intelligence professional's analytic cadre to sort out veracity and putting together more final intelligence assessments in context against other reporting.
According to Steele, he himself evaluated the accuracy of the dossier to 70-80% which is a good faith number in raw intelligence reporting. One allegation that he is not very sure (50%) is the Golden shower allegation.
According to John Sipher, a whole lot of the allegations are being corroborated and according to Wikipedia there is none that has been disproved.

[Author's Notes] Perhaps, one integral part of the raw intelligence report is the dissemination of misinformation in order to shield the truth. I had saw in the media reporting the concern of misinformation about the Steele Dossier, I actually read from an original media report stating a little different from what I saw in the Wikipedia review that Steele himself had evaluated his information to be 70-90% accurate (exclude the golden shower allegation). I had also read that the last memo/report on 12/13/16 was actually added after the Dossier already being circulated within the intelligence community. I decide to put aside this last memo, because I believed if there is misinformation dissemination through unwitting sources, the probability of them being misinformation would be higher in later stage than in the earlier stage. The 12/13/16 allegations were about Michael Cohen and his alleged trip to Prague, this occurs AFTER the election (when Putin's goal was completed), and the increasingly negative media exposure for the Alleged Interference and Collusion. I believed Michael Cohen was reborned after 11/30/18 he had pleaded guilty, saying he lied only in order to make the statement consistent with Individual 1 (I use Individual 45). My guts is telling me Michael Cohen is the New Michael Cohen (but Trump and Putin would view his change of stance as defection). This was later confirmed by his Testimony which he identified Trump as a liar, cheat, con. Unless there is new information to alert me, I would now put aside this last report and not included in my analysis on Steele Dossier's allegations. [and more broadly set aside portions of report 135, 136 and 166 that containing allegations about Michael Cohen - there could be Prague secret meeting but Michael Cohen might not be involved].

Steele Dossier Allegations And Sources

 Report (date and report #)Report TitleSources
no date provided [author of this blog assume it was between time of report 94 and 97], 095RUSSIA/US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: FURTHER INDICATIONS OF EXTENSIVE CONSPIRACY BETWEEN TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN TEAM AND THE KREMLINE,


Steele Dossier Allegations And Later Findings (Comparison) - Table of Content

[Table Legend]

Russia's Interference In Election (portions of Report 80, Report 86, 101, 130)

(Refer to this post)

AllegationReport /Allegations / SourcesLater Findings 
Russia's pro-Trump operations (in general) and its aim
Speaking to a trusted compatriot in June, source A and B, a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure and a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin respectively, the Russian authorities has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Donald Trump for at least 5 years. Source B asserted that The Trump operation was both supported and directed by Russia President PUTIN. Its aim was to sow discord and disunity both within the US itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance which was viewed as inimical to Russia's interests. Source C, a senior Russian financial official said the TRUMP operation should be seen in terms of PUTIN's desire to return to Nineteenth Century 'Great Power' politics anchored upon countries' interests rather than the ideals-based international order established post - 1945. S/he had overheard Putin talking in this way to close associates on several occasions
report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation 1
Sources: A,B C, A-B.Confidant
proved: see Russia's Social Media Campaign (Mueller Report).
[Report 80 Allegation x (B) states] "The Kremlin's cultivation operation on TRUMP also had comprised offering him various lucrative real estate development business deals in Russia". This was the case for at least 5 years. See proof in next Table on [Report 80 Allegation x(B)]
pro-Trump anti-Trump's opponents (Clinton) operations Over The Years
[Report 80 Allegation x(A)]In terms of specifics, source A confided that Kremlin had been feeding TRUMP and his team valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary CLINTON, for several years [see more below] This was confirmed by Source D, a close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow and who reported also in June that this Russian intelligence had been "very helpful"
report 80 (6/20/16) allegation x(A)
Sources: A, D, A-B.Confidant
proved: this allegation was more general than the next one in this Table and is essentially same as the next one in this Table.
see Russia's Social Media Campaign for years (Mueller Report)
see Russia's Hacking and Dumping Operation In Election Year (Mueller Report)
see  6/9/16 Meeting (Mueller Report)
The Clinton Dossier (Report 80 Allegation 5 and 6)
[Report 80 Allegation 5]
Asked about the Kremlin's reported intelligence feed to TRUMP over recent years [see allegation x(A)] and rumors about a Russian dossier of kompromat on Hillary CLINTON (being circulated), Source B confirmed the file's existence. S/he confided in a trusted compatriot {should be A-B.Confidant} that it [dossier of compromising material on Hillary CLINTON] has been collated by the Russian Intelligence Services (Department K of FSB) over many years dating back to Bill Clinton's presidency and mainly comprises eavesdropped conversations of various sort rather than details/evidence of unorthodox or embarrassing conduct. Some of the conversations were from bugged comments CLINTON had made on her various trips to Russia and focused on things she had said which contradicted her current position on various issues. Others were most probably from phone intercepts.
[Report 80 Allegation 6] Continuing on this theme, source G, a senior Kremlin official confided that CLINTON dossier was controlled exclusively by chief spokesman, Dmitry PESKOV, who was responsible for compiling/handling it on the explicit instructions of PUTIN.  The dossier however had not as yet been distributed abroad, including to TRUMP or his campaign team. At present it was unclear what intentions were in this regard. 

[Report 97 Allegation 4(A)]
Finally, the emigre' said s/he understood the Kremlin had more intelligence on CLINTON and her campaign but he did not know the details or when or if it would be released.
report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation 5
source: B, A-B.Confidant
allegation 6
Source: G, G.Confidant

Report 97 (7/30/16)
Allegation 4(A)
[Allegation 5] proved. This was more specific to Hillary Clinton. (see proof above).
Russian 'Kompromat' Remains Alive and Well
[Allegation 6] not disproved.
Whether the Clinton Dossier was controlled and handled by Peskov or someone else is not clear. But whoever managed and compiled it, they all under the explicit instructions of Putin.
The Distribution of the Hacked Material via WikiLeaks was after the time of report 80 in July (7/22/16) (Mueller Report)
The Hacking And Dumping Operation: operatives (Report 95,)
[Allegation x(A)]
Inter alia, Source E acknowledged that the Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing e-mail messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the WikiLeaks platform. The reason for using WikiLeaks was "plausible deniability" and..... [followed by allegations of collusion, Allegation x (B) go to the collusion table]
[Allegation 3 ]
In the wider context campaign/Kremlin co-operation Source E claimed that the intelligence network being used against CLINTON comprised three elements. Firstly, there were agents/facilitators within the Democratic Party structure itself; secondly Russian emigre' and associated offensive cyber operators based in the US; and thirdly, state-sponsored cyber operatives working in Russia. All three elements had played an important role to date. On the mechanism for rewarding relevant assets based in the US, and effecting a flow of intelligence and other useful information,  Source E claimed that Russian diplomatic staff were using the emigre "pension" distribution system as cover. The operation therefore depended on people in the US Russian emigre' community for its success. Tens of thousands of dollars were involved.
Report 95 (7/x/16)
Allegations x (A)
Allegation 3
sources: E, E.Confidant
[Allegation x(A)] proved.
see Russia's Hacking and Dumping Operation In Election Year (Mueller Report). Russia began to use WikiLeaks to release the hacked material in order to expand its interference in the Election.
Whether why WikiLeaks could be the plausible deniability might be the fact that WikiLeaks was neither a real Russia entity nor any fictitious online persona Russia had used for distribution of the hacked material in the initial stage of the Dissemination (before July after March/April of the election year).
[Allegation 3] partially proved.
The state sponsored cyber operation element was proved. see Russia's Hacking and Dumping Operation In Election Year (Mueller Report).
The hacking operation was found to be done by Russia Military Intelligence Agent GRU.
the Russia émigré element was deemed to be true and not disproved. There are some media reports endorsed this allegation based on the fact that there were suspicious payments to Russian émigrés using pension distribution as the cover (see more below). Also refer to this relevant allegation (in general) [report 86 Allegation 3] which states - [FSB Heavy use also, both wittingly and unwittingly, of CIS émigrés working in western corporations and ethnic Russians employed by neighboring governments or US citizen who has ties to Russia and whose personal and professional IT systems had been unwittingly compromised or had been incentivized financially to cooperate;-.

The agents within Democratic party element: might not true, not disproved though. The only clue was the murder of a democratic party DNC staffer Seth Rich. But Mueller does not appear to believe him as a Russia agent within the Democratic party and be a source of the hacked material. He at most could be the facilitator, a minor not a major source of the hacked material WikiLeaks obtained or the source of some other Democratic party internal information separate from the Russia state sponsored operation. Mueller's analysis and judgment was that WikiLeaks's intention was to use Seth Rich to shield and obscure the true source of the hacked material they had released. Another person who had claimed to know and have the evidence that Seth Rich was the source of the hacked material released on the WikiLeaks was a guy named Kim Dotcom a New Zealand citizen with bad criminal background [see these references].
On the mechanism for rewarding relevant assets based in the US: not disproved. There are some media reports endorsed this allegation, with particularly the advantages of how those Russia émigré based in US could be paid through existing pension distribution systems through those Russian diplomatic staff in cities (e.g. Miami) that have only informal top diplomats. (see these references)
The FBI is examining why Russia transferred nearly $400,000 to its embassies
Report by

According to Annotated Dossier, There is also evidence that unusual "pension" disbursements may indeed have been used as a cover. Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is examining suspicious financial transactions between the Russian government and people or businesses in the U.S. One of these transactions was a $120,000 payment to former Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak ten days after the election of Donald Trump. Furthermore, "bankers flagged nearly 30 checks for a total of about $370,000 to embassy employees, who cashed the checks as soon as they received them, making it virtually impossible to trace where the money went. Bank officials noted that the employees had not received similar payments in the past..."
Hacking And Dumping Operation: Aim/Objective (Report 10_, 130)
[Report 10_ Allegation 1] 
Speaking in confidence on 8/9/16, an ethnic Russian associate of Donald Trump discussed {... a list of what were in allegations 1-3}. Trump's associate reported that the aim of leaking the DNC e-mails to Wikileaks during the Democratic Convention had been to swing supporters of Bernie SANDERS away from Hillary CLINTON and across to TRUMP. These voters were perceived as activist and anti-status quo and anti-establishment and in that regard sharing many features with the TRUMP campaign, including a visceral dislike of Hillary CLINTON. This objective had been conceived and promoted, inter alia, by TRUMP's foreign policy adviser Carter PAGE who had discussed it directly with the ethnic Russian associate. [in the summary portion of the report: Trump campaign insider reports recent DNC e-mail leaks were aimed at switching SANDERS (protest) voters away from CLINTON and over to TRUMP.]
[Report 130 Allegation 4(A)]
Asked to explain why PUTIN and the Kremlin had launched such an aggressive TRUMP support operation in the first place, the MFA official said that Russia needed to meet the liberal international status quo, including on Ukraine-related sanctions, which was seriously disadvantaging the country. TRUMP was viewed as divisive in disrupting the whole US political system; anti-Establishment; and a pragmatist with whom they could do business. 
Report 10_
Allegation 1
report 130 (10/12/16)
Allegation 4(A)

[Report 10_ Allegation 1] The timing of the first Wikileaks release of the Democratic National Committee's (DNC's) e-mails (7/22/16, the day before the DNC national convention) could have had the desired effect of turning Bernie Sanders supporters away from Clinton.
[Allegation 4(A)]: proved. The tension and hostility between Russia and Western Alliance follows after Russia annexed Crimea in Ukraine and was sanctioned because of that; and since then, Russia had series of state sponsored cyber offensive operations toward foreign government (see next below on report 101).
In addition, from the policies Trump had after he was elected; he indeed can be seen as anti-establishment and pragmatic and ran politics as if was doing business; for he had attempted to lift the sanctions on Russia, had attempted to withdraw from NATO and had complained USA should not spend money on NATO defense and complaint that the NATO members did not contribute enough money to support NATO goal of joint defense whenever its member was invaded.
Evidence: How Trump Made Money Out of The Presidency (Violation of Constitution Emolument Clause both domestic and foreign)
Donald Trump is raking in big bucks from emoluments foreign and domestic. (US news)
Trump details how he’s profiting off the presidency (
Is Trump Profiting From the Presidency?
Hacking And Dumping Operation: Timing of The Dissemination (report 97 allegation 4(A) and Report 111 allegation 3)
[Report 97 Allegation 4, S(97).A] The émigré said s/he understood the Kremlin had more intelligence on CLINTON and her campaign but he did not know the details or when or if it would be released.
[Report 111 Allegation 3]
Continuing on this theme, the senior PA official said the situation now was that the Kremlin had further 'kompromat' on candidate CLINTON and had been considering releasing this via "plausibly deniable" channels after the Duma (legislative) elections were out of the way in mid-September. There was however a growing train of thought and associated lobby, arguing that the Russians could still make candidate CLINTON look "weak and stupid" by provoking her into railing against PUTIN and Russia without the need to release more of her e-mails. Presidential Spokesman, Dmitriy PESKOV remained figure in the operation, although any final decision on dissemination of further material would be taken by PUTIN himself. [in the summary portion of the report: Russians do have further 'kompromat' on CLINTON (e-mails) and considering disseminating it after Duma (legislative elections) in late September. Presidential spokesman PESKOV continues to lead on this]
Report 97
Allegation 4
Source: S(97).A;
Report 111
Allegation 3
proved. see Russia's Hacking and Dumping Operation In Election Year (Mueller Report). The first release on Clinton email and hacked material through WikiLeaks was in July (7/22/16), a day before the Democratic National Convention (Report 10_ allegation 1 stated that] the aim had been to switch the Sander supporters away from Clinton and over to Trump.
The next release was timed in 10/7/16 (mainly is Podesta emails (chair of Clinton Campaign) which should also contain information regarding Clinton. The release was timed to minimize the damage from 'Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape'
Hacking And Dumping Operation: Assessment (report 101)
[allegation 1]
Speaking in confidence to a close colleague in early August, head of the Russian Presidential Administration (PA), Sergei IVANOV assessed the impact and results of Kremlin intervention in the US presidential election to date] Although most commentators believed that the Kremlin was behind the leaked DNC/CLINTON e-mails, this remained technically deniable. Therefore the Russians would not risk their position for the time being with new leaked material, even to a third party like Wikileaks. Rather the tactics would be to spread rumors and misinformation about the content of what already had been leaked and make up new content. [in the summary portion of the report:  Head of PA, IVANOV assesses Kremlin intervention in US presidential election and outlines leadership thinking on operational way forward. No new leaks to be envisaged, but rather further exploitation of (WikiLeaks) material already disseminated to exacerbate divisions]

[allegation x] is [about the audience to be targeted to]
Continuing on this theme, IVANOV said that the audience to be targeted by such operations was the educated youth in America as the PA assessed that there was still a chance they could be persuaded to vote for Republican candidate Donald TRUMP as a protest against the Washington establishment (in the form of Democratic candidate Hillary CLINTON). The hope was that even if she won, as a result of this CLINTON in power would be bogged down in working for internal reconciliation in the US, rather than being able to focus on foreign policy which would damage Russia's interests. This also should give President PUTIN more room for manoeuvre in the run-up to Russia's own presidential election
[Allegation 3] [is about Putin's Assessment]
IVANOV reported that although the Kremlin had underestimated the strength of US media and liberal reaction to the DNC hack and TRUMP's links to Russia, PUTIN was generally satisfied with the progress of the anti-CLINTON operation to date. He recently had had a drink with PUTIN to mark this. In IVANOV's view, the US had tried to divide the Russian elite with sanctions but failed, whilst they, by contrast, had succeeded in splitting the US hawks inimical to Russia and the Washington elite more generally, half of whom had refused to endorse any presidential candidates a result of Russian intervention.
Report 101 (8/10/16) Allegation 1, x

[Allegation 1] proved: (see Mueller Report and this post on Russia's hacking and dumping operation.) Hacking operation was in March, April of the Election Year. The first Wikipedia release was on 7/22/16 (before 8/10/16) and There was no further new leaks until 10/7/16 on Wikipedia of Podesta email. Those disinformation/misinformation/rumors can be further manipulated through Russia's extensive and lasting Social Media Campaign.
[Allegation x]: not disproved
[Allegation 3] : proved
Russia did underestimated the strength of the US media and liberal reaction to the DNC hack and Trump's links to Russia. Media report on 6/9/16 appeared only a month after the meeting. Medial report on DNC hacking started to appear in June and media 's negative report on Trump association 's tie to Russia caused the termination of Carter Page on 9/24/16 and Manafort on 8/19/16  and caused Trump Campaign started to deny and Cover up every connection to Russia including Trump's business dealing in Russia. and started to distance itself from Russia Contact since Late August.
On how satisfying Putin is on the progress and on splitting US hawk inimical to Russia and the general Washington elite: not disproved
Hacking And Dumping Operation: Recent Developments (report 130 10/12/16)
[Allegation x]
Continuing on this theme, the senior leadership figure commented that a stream of further hacked CLINTON material already had been injected by the Kremlin into compliant western media outlets like WikiLeaks, which remained at least "plausibly deniable", so the stream of these would continue through October and up to the election. However s/he understood that the best material the Russians had already was out and there were no real game-changers to come.
[Allegation 4(B)]:
As the Trump support operation had gained momentum, control of it had passed from the MFA to the FSB and then into the presidential administration where it remained, a reflection of its growing significance over time. There was still a view in the Kremlin that TRUMP would continue as a {divisive} political force even if he lost the presidency and may run for and be elected to another public office.
report 130 (10/12/16)
Allegation x

Allegation 4(B)

[Allegation x] proved.
see Russia's Hacking and Dumping Operation In Election Year (Mueller Report)
Wikipedia's October release was 10/7/16 and the first release was on 7/22/16, after that there was no major big release of hacked material after early October. The dissemination continues through to the Election day.
[Allegation 4(B)]: What government agency was in the control of Trump support operation was not clear. GRU was the Military intelligence who operated the hacking.
[not specific to the Election cyber offensive operation]
The extensive cyber offensive operation and its targets
[allegation 1]
Speaking in June, a number of Russian figures with a detailed knowledge of national cybercrime, both state-sponsored and otherwise, outlined the current situation in this area. A former senior intelligence officer divided  Russian state-sponsored offensive cyber operations  into four categories: (in order of priority): targeting foreign, especially western governments; penetrating leading foreign business corporations, especially banks; domestic monitoring of the elite; and attacking political opponents both at home and abroad. The former intelligence officer reported that FSB was the lead organization within the Russian state apparatus for cyber operations.

How success were the operations
[allegation x]
In terms of the success of Russian offensive cyber operations to date, a senior government figure reported that there had been only
limited success in penetrating the "first tier" foreign targets. These comprised western (especially G7 and NATO) governments, security and intelligence services and central banks, and the lFls. To compensate for this shortfall, massive effort had been invested, with much greater success, in attacking the "secondary targets", particularly western private banks and the governments of smaller states allied to the West. S/he mentioned Latvia in this regard. Hundreds of agents, either consciously cooperating with the FSB or whose personal and professional IT systems had been unwittingly compromised, were recruited. Many were people who had ethnic and family ties to Russia and or had been incentivized financially to cooperate. Such people often would receive monetary inducements or contractual favors from the Russian state or its agents in return. This had created difficulties for parts of the Russian state apparatus in obliging/indulging them e.g. the Central Bank of Russia knowingly having to cover up for such agents' money laundering operations through the Russian financial system.

How the operatives were recruited
[allegation 3]

In terms of the FSB's recruitment of capable cyber operatives to carry out its, ideally deniable, offensive cyber operations, a Russian IT specialist with direct knowledge reported in June  that this was often done using coercion and blackmail. In terms of 'foreign' agents, the FSB was approaching US citizens of Russian (Jewish) origin on business trips to Russia. In one case a US citizen of Russian ethnicity had been visiting Moscow to attract investors in his new information technology program. The FSB clearly knew this and had offered to provide seed capital to this person in return for them being able to access and modify his IP, with a view to targeting priority foreign targets by planting a Trojan virus in the software. The US visitor was told this was common practice. The FSB also had implied significant operational success as a result of installing cheap Russian IT games containing their own malware unwittingly by targets on their PCs and other platforms.

The Back Door: IT Platform 
[allegation 4]
In a more advanced and successful FSB operation, an IT operator inside a leading Russian SOE, who previously had been employed on conventional (defensive) IT work there, had been under instruction for the last year to conduct an offensive cyber operation against a foreign director of the company. Although the latter was apparently an infrequent visitor to Russia, the FSB now successfully had penetrated his personal IT and through this had managed to access various important institutions in the West through the back door.

[allegation 5] 

In terms of other technical IT platforms, an FSB cyber operative flagged up the 'Telegram' enciphered commercial system as having been of especial concern and therefore heavily targeted by the FSB, not least because it was used frequently by Russian internal political activists and oppositionists. His/her understanding was that the FSB now successfully had cracked this communications software and therefore it was no longer secure to use.

The non-state sponsored cyber operations
[allegation 6] 
The senior Russian government figure cited above also reported that non-state sponsored cyber crime was becoming an increasing problem inside Russia for the government and authorities there. The Central Bank of Russia claimed that in 2015 alone there had been more than 20 attempts at serious cyber embezzlement of money from corresponding accounts held there, comprising several billions Roubles. More generally, s/he understood there were circa 15 major organised crime groups in the country involved in cyber crime, all of which continued to operate largely outside state and FSB control. These included the so-called 'Anunak', 'Buktrap' and 'Metel' organisations.

Report: 86 (7/26/16)
Allegation 1
Allegation x
Allegation 3
Allegation 4:
Allegation 5:
Allegation 6:
[allegation 1] proved: [author's notes: only on USA hacking was included other than other countries; based on the giant timeline from NPR spreadsheet Column 'Russia, Hacking'. [Each cell entry was linked to the original Reference] in chronological order
Election year (see relevant areas in Mueller report and)
10/7/16: joint statement DHS and ODNI12/29/16: joint statement DHS/FBI
  • 3/x/16
More References:
Untangling the Web of Russia's Cyber Operations
Russia’s Approach to Cyber Warfare
Former NATO Commander: Alliance Needs to Take Cyber Fight to Russia’s Door

Return To Table of Contents

Trump's Prior Activities in Russia and the Alleged Kompromat (Report 80, 113, portion of 95, 97)

allegations Report / Allegations / Sources later findings
Kompromat: Sexual Perversion
[Report 80 Allegation 3, 4 and Report 95 Allegation 6, Report 97 Allegation 4, Report 113 x(B)]
Russia had tried to exploit Trump's personal obsessions and sexual perversion in order to obtain suitable 'kompromat' [compromising material] on him.
Golden Shower Moscow Ritz Carlton Episode
[Allegation 3 (B)] According to Source D where s/he had been present Trump's(perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and OBAMA [whom he hated] had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a 'golden showers'(urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.
[Allegation 4 (A)]
The Moscow Ritz Carlton episode involving Trump reported above was confirmed by Source E [redaction: several phrases] who said that s/he and several of the staff were aware of it [Golden Shower] at the time and subsequently. S/he believed it had happened in 2013. Source E provided an introduction for a company ethnic Russian operative to source F, a female staffer at the hotel when Trump had stayed there, who also confirmed the story
Report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation 3 (B)
source: D
allegation 4(A)
sources: E, F, E.Company
Not Disproved: denied by Trump; It is known that Trump did visit MoscowOne Russian organizer recalled meeting him there during the Miss Universe pageant, although she did not believe the claim in the dossier.
see this reference for more
What is the Donald Trump pee tape?
Giorgi Rtslchiladze’s Honor Has Been Sullied because He Can’t Decide Whether He Knows the Tapes He Suppressed Exist or Not
Sexual Perversion In St Petersburg
[Report 113 allegation x(B)]
The local services industry source reported that Trump had participated in sex parties in the city {St Petersburg}, but that all direct witnesses to this recently had been "silenced" i.e. bribed or coerced to disappear.
Report: 113 (9/13/16)
Allegations x(B)
not disproved
In General:
[Report 80 allegation 3 (A)]
However, there were other aspects to Trump's engagement with the Russia authorities. One which had borne fruit for them was to exploit Trump's personal obsessions and sexual perversion in order to obtain suitable 'kompromat' (compromising material) on him. According to source D, Trump's perverted conduct in Moscow included … (connect to allegation 3 (B) for golden shower allegation)

[Report 80 Allegation 4(B)]
Source B asserted in 6/x/16 that TRUMP's unorthodox behavior in Russia over the years had provided the authorities there with enough embarrassing material on the now Republican presidential candidate to be able to blackmail him if they so wished.
[Report 95 Allegation 6]
[TRUMP's previous efforts had included exploring the real estate sector in St Petersburg as well as Moscow,] but in the end TRUMP had had to settle for the use of extensive sexual services there from local prostitutes rather than business success.
Report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation 3 (A)
source: D
Report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation 4 (B)
Source: B, A-B.Confidant
Report 95 (7/x/16)
Allegation 6
Source S(95).B
not disproved
Regarding Whether The Kompramat Was Deployed or Not
[Report 97 Allegation 4 (B)] {....about intelligence on Clinton allegation 4(A)} As far as 'kompromat' (compromising information) on TRUMP were concerned, although there was plenty of this, he understood the Kremlin had given its word that it would not be deployed against the Trump given how helpful and co-operative his team had been over several years, and particularly of late.
Report 97 (7/30/16)
Allegation 4
not disproved
Giorgi Rtslchiladze was asked to stop the flow of the pee tape (refer to golden shower allegation report 80 allegation 5 and 6
Business Dealings (Report 80, 95, 113)
Russia 's Offer as part of the Cultivation
[Report 80 allegation x(B)]
The Kremlin's cultivation operation on TRUMP also had comprised offering him various lucrative real estate development business deals in Russia, especially in relation to the ongoing 2018 World Cup soccer tournament. However, so far, for reasons unknown, TRUMP had not taken up any of these.
report 80 (6/20/16)
allegation x(B)
Sources: A, A-B.Confidant
proved: see Trump Tower Moscow Project in this post
Donald Trump's ties to Russia go back 30 years
Trump's Exploration Efforts on Real Estate Deals
[Report 95 Allegation 6]: regarding TRUMP's claimed minimal investment profile in Russia, a separate source  with direct knowledge said this had not been for want of trying. TRUMP's previous efforts had included exploring the real estate sector in St Petersburg as well as Moscow but in the end TRUMP had had to settle for the use of extensive sexual services there from local prostitutes rather than business success.
Report 95
Allegation 6
Source S(95).B
proved. [also see proof above] About a decade ago Donald Trump Jr. had traveled to Russia a half-dozen times in 18 months looking for deals, but none materialized. He said there were plenty of investment opportunities, but the business environment was dangerous and trustworthy partners
Business Dealings In St Petersburg (Report 113)
[allegation 1]
Speaking to a trusted compatriot in September, well-placed sources based in St Petersburg, one in the political/business elite and the other involved in the local services and tourist industry, commented on Republican US presidential candidate Donald prior activities in the city [St Petersburg].
[allegation x(A)] Both [S(113).A and S(113).B] knew TRUMP had visited St Petersburg on several occasions in the past and had been interested in doing business deals there involving real estate. The local business/ political elite figure reported that Trump had paid bribes there to further his interests but very discreetly and only through affiliated companies, making it very hard to prove. The local services industry source reported that Trump had participated in sex parties in the city too, but that all direct witnesses to this recently had been "silenced" i.e. bribed or coerced to disappear.
[Allegation 3]
Both St Petersburg figures cited believed an Azeri business figure, Araz AGALAROV (with offices in Baku and London) had been closely involved with Trump in Russia and would know most of the details of what the Republican presidential candidate had got up to there.
{Hong Gan's note: the detail was interpreted as including both business dealings and the alleged sexual perversion}

Report: 113 (9/13/16)

Allegation 1

Allegation x(A)

Allegation 3
allegation x(A):
on business exploration: proved
on the alleged bribe:
not disproved. There are evidence for corruption in Trump's real estate business dealing in other emerging market countries (e.g. India) refer to this allegation for detail in the Last Table
[allegation 3] Not disproved
Trump is close to Aras Agalarov just as described in the dossier.
A Russian Developer Helps Out the Kremlin on Occasion. Was He a Conduit to Trump?Trump was paid $20,000,000 by Russian Aras Agalarov on the Pageant (see this reference Why did Aras and Emin Agalarov spend $20 million on Miss Universe)
Trump 'compromising' claims: How and why did we get here?
Kompromat: Trump, Hollywood Sex Parties and the Russian Oligarchs
Russian politician says 'let's hit Trump with our Kompromat' on state TV
Trump's tie to Araz Agalarov in Election Year: Trump Towere Moscow Project - crocus group [ran by Araz Agalarov] was the initial business the Project negotiate with Araz Agalarov and his son Emin Agalarov was the facilitator and arranger of the 6/9/16 Meeting.
In an email Goldstone wrote to Trump Jr: .....
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his [Emin] father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hilary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father. [Trump]

Return To Table of Contents

Collusion, Loose Collusion, Links Between Russia and Trump/Trump Associates

(Report 94, 95, 105, 134, portion of 97, 101, 11_ and partial of [135, 136, 166])

allegations Report / Allegations / SourcesLater findings (confirmed or not disproved)
Carter Page's July Trip To Moscow (report 94 and report 134)
Secrete Meeting With Sechin
[Report 94 Allegation 1]
Speaking in July, a Russian source close to Rosneft President, PUTIN close associate and US-sanctioned individual, Igor Sechin, confided the detail of a recent secret meeting between him and Carter Page.

Secrete Meeting With Sechin (confirm)
[Report 134 Allegation 1] 
Speaking to a trusted compatriot in mid October,   a close associate of Rosneft President and PUTIN ally Igor SECHIN elaborated on
on the reported secret meeting between the latter and Carter PAGE, of US Republican presidential candidate's foreign policy team, in Moscow in July. The secret meeting had been confirmed to him/her by a senior member of SECHIN's staff, in addition to by the Rosneft President himself. It took place on either 7 or 8 July, the same day or the one after Carter PAGE made a public speech to the Higher Economic School in Moscow.

Substance of The Meeting With Sechin
[Report 94 Allegation x]
According to Sechin's associate, The Rosneft President (CEO) had raised with PAGE the issues of future bilateral energy cooperation and prospects for an associated move to lift Ukraine-related western sanctions against Russia. PAGE had reacted positively to this demarche but had been generally non-committal in response.

Substance of The Meeting With Sechin (elaborated)
[Report 134 Allegation x] 
In terms of the substance of their discussion, SECHIN's associate said that the Rosneft President was so keen to lift personal and corporate sanctions western imposed on the company, that he offered PAGE associates the brokerage of up to a 19 per cent (privatized) stake in Rosneft in return. PAGE had expressed interest and confirmed that were TRUMP elected US president, then sanctions on Russia would be lifted.

[Report 134 Allegation 5]
SECHIN's associate opined that although PAGE had not stated it explicitly to SECHIN, he had clearly implied that in terms of his comment on TRUMP's intention to lift Russian sanctions if elected president, he was speaking with the Republican candidate's authority.
Report 94 (7/19/16)
Allegations 1, x

Report 134

Allegations 1

Allegations x

Allegations 5
Alleged Secrete Meeting With Sechin
[Report 94 Allegation 1 and Report 134 Allegation 1] partially proved and not disproved.
Carter Page did have a trip to Moscow in July of the Election year, according to Mueller Report - Link between Carter Page and Russia  - which described the meeting in detail. Page went to the commencement ceremony at New Economic School (NES) in Moscow to give speech which he criticized the U.S. government's foreign policy toward Russia on 7/8/16.
Page and Dvorkovich (deputy prime minister) shook hands on the next day 7/8/16 who gave the speech that the sanctions the United States had imposed on Russia had hurt the NES. But no evidence indicated in the Mueller Report that Page met secretly with Sechin and Page himself also denied met with Sechin in his testimony to the House. and he was investigated by FBI [U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin, (9/23/16, yahoo news) which led to his termination]. But he acknowledged he met the Baranov (who is close to Setchin). He admitted that he met with friends and associates he knew from when he lived in Russia, including Andrey Baranov and individuals from Tatneft [a Russian vertically integrated oil and gas company, the sixth largest oil company in Russia.] Page believed he and Baranov discussed Rosneft president Igor Sechin also.
On 7/9/16, Page emailed several Campaign officials and stated he would send "a readout soon regarding some incredible insights and outreach I've received from a few Russian legislators and senior members of the Presidential Administration here. Mueller wrote: [after a paragraph of black out] The Office was unable to obtain additional evidence or testimony about who Page may have met or communicated with in Moscow; thus, Page's activities in Russia was not wholly explained.
In addition, according to Mueller report, Page had been approached [and appeared to be screened for recruitment] by Russia intelligence agents in x/.x/08 and x/x/13 -  Alexander Bulatov, Victor Podobnyy who formed the relationship with Page, although Page later said that "I didn't do anything..." and stated [answer to the interview by the Office] he had only provided immaterial non-public information to them and that he did not view this relationship as a back channel.
Later on in the transition period during a business trip to Mowscow , 12/9/16 Page again was being reached out and targeted by Russia official - Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich -whom he shook hands with during the 7/8/16 NES event - in an attempt to have him facilitate connecting Dvorkovich with individuals involved in the transition and starting a dialogue between the United States and Russia. And Manafort was informed of this Meeting by Kilimnik (who FBI assessed as a Russia intelligence agent and who worked for and was close to Manafort). Kilimnik emailed to Manafort - "Carter Page is in Moscow today, sending messages he is authorized to talk to Russia on behalf of DT on a range of issues of mutual interest..."
Trump's Russia dossier corroborated: FBI used document to obtain wiretap on Carter Page

Substance of the Meeting With  Sechin
[Report 94 Allegation x and Report 134 Allegation x]

[Report 94 Allegation x] not disproved.
Page had a background in working in the energy sector. In x/x/08 Page founded Global Energy Capital LLC (GEC), an investment and advisory firm focused on the energy sector in emerging markets. Page asked Yatsenko to work with him at GEC.
During his time with the Campaign, Page advocated pro-Russia foreign policy.
On his speech at NES event 7/7/16, Page criticized the U.S. government's foreign policy toward Russia.
on Carter Page's reaction /response
According to Yahoo, a US intelligence source told Yahoo's Michael Isikoff  that Sechin met with Page during Page's three-day trip to Moscow. Sechin, the source told Yahoo, raised the issue of the US lifting sanctions on Russia under Trump. Page has criticized the US sanctions on Russia as " sanctimonious expressions of moral superiority. A US official serving in Russia while Page worked at Merrill Lynch in Moscow told Isikoff that Page "was pretty much a brazen apologist for anything Moscow did."
Regarding the source for Yahoo's Michael Isikoff :
[Report 134 Allegation x] was an elaboration of [Report 94 allegation x] with the added information on the 19% Rosneft stake deal for sanction lift - not  disproved
on the 19% Rosneft stake deal for sanction lift
see this reference:Trump Russia Dossier Decoded: Yes, There Really Was A Massive Oil Deal Mueller reports wrote: Page believed he and Baranov discussed Rosneft president Igor Sechin, and he thought Baranov might have mentioned the possibility of a sale of a stake in Rosneft in passing.
One of the companies Rosneft sold to is the Qatar Investment Authority which via Qatar Airways had offices in Trump Towers for years
on Carter Page's reaction /response on the 'offer'
Secrete Meeting With Divyekin And Substance
[Allegation 3]
Speaking separately, also in July, an official close to Presidential Administration Head, S. IVANOV, confided in a compatriot that a senior colleague in the Internal Political Department of the PA Igor DIVYEKIN also had met secretly with PAGE on his recent visit. Their agenda had included DIVEYKIN raising a dossier of 'kompromat' the Kremlin possessed on Democratic presidential rival, Hillary CLINTON, and its possible release to the Republican's campaign team.
[Allegation 4 Source(94).B] However, the Kremlin official close to S. IVANOV added that s/he believed DIVEYKIN also had hinted (or indicated more strongly) that the Russian leadership also had 'kompromat' on TRUMP which the latter should bear in mind in his dealings with them.
Report 94 (7/19/16)
Allegations 3, 4
The Alleged Secrete Meeting With Divyekin
[Allegation 3 and 4] not disproved. There was no mention in the Mueller Report that Page met with Igor DIVYEKIN. Page himself also denied met with DIVYEKIN who is a former Russian security official and now serves as Deputy Chief for Internal Policy.
On the alleged Clinton Dossier: see Report 80 (6/20/16) allegation 5 and  6 in Table on Interference
On Trump Kompromat and whether it was deployed or not: see Report 97 (7/30/16) Allegation 4 in Table on Kompromat
The Alleged Conspiracy Behind The Hacking And Dumping Operation
(Report 95)
This was managed on the TRUMP side by campaign manager Paul MANAFORT (broader not limited to Paul Manafort alone)
[Report 95 Allegation 1]
Speaking in confidence to a compatriot in July, Source E,  an ethnic Russian close associate of Donald Trump,  admitted that there was a well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between them [Trump] and the Russian leadership. This was managed on the TRUMP side by campaign manager Paul MANAFORT, who was using foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE, and others as intermediaries. Both sides had a mutual interest in defeating Hillary CLINTON whom President PUTIN apparently both hated and feared..
[Report 95 Allegation x(B)]  Source E acknowledged that {preceded by allegation x(A) which states "the Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing e-mail messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the WikiLeaks platform. The reason for using WikiLeaks was "plausible deniability" and"} the operation had been conducted with the full knowledge and support of TRUMP and senior members of his campaign team. In return the TRUMP team had agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue and to raise defense commitments in the Baltics and Eastern Europe to deflect attention away from Ukraine, a priority for PUTIN who needed to cauterize the subject.
Report 95 (date not provided 7/x/16)
Allegations 1,
sources: E, E.Confidant
Allegation x(B)
sources: E, E.Confidant
[Allegation 1]: not disproved.
On Manfort 's Loose collusion and the alleged role in Conspiracy
Paul Manafort had deep dies to Russia and Ukraine. His link to the Russia/Ukraine Oligarch through Kilimnik was described in detail in the Mueller Report. FBI appeared to have very solid evidence that Kilimnik was Russia intelligence agent, although Manafort deied that he knew that. Manafort had been sending Campaign internal polling data to Russia. He offered briefings on the progress of the Campaign to Oleg Deripaska. If Manafort had conspired with Russia in the standard of criminal definition of conspiracy - that might be passive because Manafort appeared to be compromised that he had debt and lawsuit with Deripaska and it seems his intentions to join Trump Campaign is to monetize his relationship with the Administration.
The problem was on Trump's written answer when he was asked whether Trump knew Paul Manafort offered briefings on the progress of the Campaign to Oleg Deripaska"]: "l had no knowledge of Mr. Manafort offering briefings on the progress of my campaign to an individual named Oleg Deripaska"; and whether Trump knew if Paul Manafort/Trump Campaign sent internal Trump campaign information to any person linked to Ukraine or Russia]: "I do not remember being aware of Mr. Manafort or anyone else associated with my campaign sending or directing others to send internal Trump Campaign information to anyone I knew to be in Ukraine or Russia" whether Paul Manafort communicate with Trump regarding the stance Ukraine or Russia would want the U.S. to support]: "I do not remember Mr. Manafort communicating to me any particular positions Ukraine or Russia would want the United States to support."

On Manafort using Page and other as intermediary
Paul Manafort and Cater Page relation was not clear. Paul Manafort had worked closely with Rick Gates. But Paul Manafort appears to know Cater Page's trip to Moscow during transition period and his meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. Manafort was informed by Klimnik's email that saying 'today Page was in Moscow, he is authorized to talk to Russia on behalf of DT on a range of issues of mutual interest, including Ukraine"
[Allegation x(B)]
On WikiLeaks and Knowledge of the Dissemination of the Hacked material
See this post regarding Trump Campaign and Dissemination of the Hacked Material- Russia began to use WikiLeaks to release the hacked material in order to  expand its interference in the Election. It appears to be supported and known by Roger Stone in the dissemination stage. Although Mueller did not have sufficient evidence to establish the Criminal Conspiracy', he analyzed and applied the Campaign Finance Statute on the case. [author of this blog attributed this to the Loose Collusion] and Again the problem was with Trump's written answer: "I do not recall being provided any information during the campaign about the hacking of any of the named entities or individuals before it became the subject of media reporting."........
On The Alleged Exchange (sanction and other)
Deemed to be true, Trump did sidelined Russian intervention in Ukraine by the attempts to lift or delay sanction and see the section of this post on -Trump Policy Orientations Implicate Collusional Exchange Against National Interests
Paul Manafort (specific - report 105 and report 95)
Revelations About The Black Ledger And  YANUKOVYCH's Reassurance (Report 105)
[Report 105 Allegation 1]
Speaking in late August,in the immediate aftermath of Paul MANAFORT's resignation as campaign manager for TRUMP [8/19/16], a well-placed Russian figure reported on a recent secret meeting between PUTIN and ex-President YANUKOVYCH of Ukraine on 8/15/16 near Volgograd, Russia and the western media revelations about MANAFORT and Ukraine had featured prominently on the agenda. YANUKOVYCH had confided in PUTIN that he did authorize and order substantial kick-back payments to MANAFORT as alleged but sought to reassure him that there was no documentary trail left behind.
[Report 105 Allegation x][continue with Allegation 1]: Given YANUKOVYCH's (unimpressive) record in covering up his own corrupt tracks in the past, PUTIN were sceptical about the ex-Ukrainian president's reassurances on this as relating to MANAFORT. They therefore still feared the scandal had legs, especially as MANAFORT had been commercially active in Ukraine right up to the time in March when he joined campaign team. For them it therefore remained a point of potential political vulnerability and embarrassment.
Report 105
Allegation 1, x
[Allegation 1 and x]: not disproved. The New York Times in 8/15/16 revealed that the FBI and Ukrainian investigators were looking into a recently unearthed 'Black Ledger' detailing alleged off-the-books payments to Manafort by Yanukovych’s party totaling $12.7 million.  in the secret 'Black Ledger' of payments by the Ukrainian pro-Russian government, Manafort’s name is associated with 22 transactions over five years 11/20/07 - , for an estimated $12.7 million. Manafort was forced to resign from the campaign less than a week after the story. [see these reference]. Manafort admits he received payments.
8/15/16 secret meeting between Putin and YANUKOVYCH': was not disproved. and whether Putin was skeptical about YANUKOVYCH's assurance on cover up is not known. But YANUKOVYCH's corruption was exposed by Anti-Corruption Bureau confirmed The bribes disbursed by Mr Yanukovych ranged from individual payments of millions of dollars to a wristwatch worth $67,000...
According to Mueller report Manafort had  initially denied [Manafort had denied meeting with Kilimnik before being confronted with documentary evidence] Manafort said that Kilimnik had updated him on a criminal investigation into so-called "black ledger" payments to Manafort that was being conducted b Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau. [Black Out]
The Reasons behind MANAFORT's Recent Demise
[Report 105 Allegation 3]
Speaking separately, also in late August, an American political figure associated with Donald Trump and his campaign outlined the reasons behind MANAFORT's recent demise. - the Ukraine corruption revelations had played a part; several senior players close to TRUMP had wanted MANAFORT out, primarily to loosen his control on strategy and policy formulation. Of particular importance in this regard was MANAFORT's predecessor Corey LEWANDOWSKI who hated MANAFORT personally and remained close to TRUMP with whom he discussed the presidential campaign on a regular basis.
Report 105
Allegation 3
[Allegation 3]: proved. one direct reason for Manafort's resignation is The Black Ledger illegal payment by the media revelation and Ukraine anti-corruption Bureau.
The other reason was Trump put in place a new leadership structure that appeared to minimize Manafort’s role shortly before Manafort was removed.
According to, "In recent days, Manafort had lost the confidence of Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and one of his closest advisers, and other members of Trump’s family, according to a source close to the campaign"

The Flow of Intelligence From Trump Campaign To Russia

(Report 95 Allegation 4 and Report 97 Allegation 3)

[Report 95 Allegation 4]
In terms of the intelligence flow from the TRUMP team to Russia, Source E reported that much of this concerned the activities of business oligarchs and their families' activities and assets in the US, with which PUTIN and the Kremlin seemed preoccupied.
[Report 97 Allegation 3]  However, in terms of established operational liaison between the Trump team and the Kremlin, the 'emigre' confirmed that an intelligence exchange had been running between them for at least 8 years. Within this context PUTIN's priority requirement had been for intelligence on the activities, business and otherwise, in the US of leading Russian oligarchs and their families. TRUMP and his associates duly had obtained and supplied the Kremlin with this information.
Report 95 (date not provided 7/x/16)
Allegations 4
Sources: E,
Report 97
Allegation 3,
Report 95 Allegation 4] and [Report 97 Allegation 3] not disproved.
It was implicated that Trump/Trump Associates might be able to send flows of information on activities of business oligarchs and their families' activities and assets in the US to Russia through its real estate business with those Russian oligarchy who was complained to be hiding their wealth from the Russia government.
Russian elite had invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings. At least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida. The tally of investors from Russia may be conservative. The analysis found that one-third of investors in his seven building were LLCs, which have the ability to hide the identity of a property’s true owner.
Trump's business dealing with Russia can be traced decade ago.

A history of Donald Trump’s business dealings in Russia

Donald Trump's ties to Russia go back 30 years
Outreach: Engage and/or Support (Report 101 Allegation 4)
[Report 101 Allegation 4]
Speaking separately, also in early August, a Kremlin official involved in US relations commented on aspects of the Russian operation to date. Its goals had been threefold- asking sympathetic US actors how Moscow could help them; gathering relevant intelligence; and creating and disseminating compromising information ('kompromat').
This had involved Kremlin engaging with and supporting several high profile US political figures, including funding indirectly their recent visits to Moscow. S/he named a delegation from Lyndon LAROUCHE; presidential candidate Jill STEIN of the Green Party; TRUMP foreign policy adviser... Carter Page and former DIA Director Michael FLYNN, in this regard and as successful in terms of perceived outcomes.
Report 101 (8/10/16)
Allegation 4
[Report 101 Allegation 4] proved
see Links Between Russia And Trump Campaigns (Mueller Report) relevant sections regarding:
___ Carter Page (campaign period) and Carter Page (transition period)
___ Michael Flynn
___ George Papadopoulos
___ Paul Manafort
___ Other engaged or supported individuals  (external to Mueller Report
Jill Stein: proved  Jill Stein has made several comments favorable to Russian interests and "traveled to Moscow, Russia, in December 2015 to participate in a panel organized by RT, a television network funded by the Russian government... Stein also attended a dinner with Russian President Vladimir Putin." [from reference: annotated dossier]
Lyndon Larouche: not disproved
Here’s an Insane Story About Roger Stone, Lyndon LaRouche, Vladimir Putin - The international cult leader has long-standing ties to Russia
On 'funding their recent visits to Moscow;'
Kremlin funded trips for Michael Flynn, Dr. Jill Stein & Carter Page according to this reference:
  • General Flynn was paid by Russia Today, the propaganda network-he confirms and defends the payment in this video:
  • Gen Flynn gave Putin standing ovation-Flynn was paid by Putin to be there in this video
  • Michael Flynn, Dr. Jill Stein & Putin at an event in Moscow that they were paid by Russia Today Network to be at (photos in the reference
Sechin's Prospects and His Alleged New Feelers
[Report 134 Allegation 3] According to SECHIN's close associate, the Rosneft President had continued to believe that Trump could win the us presidency right up to I7 October, when he assessed this was no longer possible. SECHIN was keen to re-adapt accordingly and put feelers out to other business and political contacts in the US instead.

Report 134
Allegations 3

[Report 134 Allegation 3] not disproved
Sechin's prospects on Trump for Election was not known. Whether he put feelers out to other contacts was not clear.
Contacts Through Alfa Group (report 11_)
[Author's notes: Allegations in Report 11_ mentions no name of Trump Campaign; it only stated the relations between Putin and Alpha-group; but there was media reports that indicated - unusual computer server contact was observed between Alfa Bank and Trump's organization, therefore this report was listed here for the alleged link between Trump Campaign and Alpha group due to its oligarchy status and relation with Putin
The history and current state of relations between President PUTIN and the Alpha Group
[Allegation 1]
Speaking to a trusted compatriot in mid-September, a top level Russian government official commented on the history and current state of relations between President PUTIN and the Alpha Group; led by oligarchs Mikhail FRIDMAN, Petr AVEN and German KHAN - were on very good terms with PUTIN. Significant favors continued to be done in both directions, FRIDMAN and AVEN continued to give informal advice to PUTIN on foreign policy, and especially about the US where he distrusted advice being given to him by officials.
[Allegation x]
Although FRIDMAN recently had met directly with PUTIN in Russia,
much of the dialogue and business between them was mediated through a senior Presidential Administration Official, Oleg GOVORUN, who currently headed the department therein responsible for Social Co-operation with the CIS. GOVORUN was trusted by PUTIN and recently had accompanied him to Uzbekistan to pay respects at the tomb of former president KARIMOV. However according to the top level Russian government official, during the 1990s GOVORUN had been Head Of Government Relations at Alpha Group and in reality, the "driver" and "bag carrier" used by FRIDMAN and AVEN to deliver large amounts of illicit cash to the Russian president, at that time deputy Mayor of St Petersburg. Given that and the continuing sensitivity of the relationship, and need for plausible deniability, much of the contact between them was now indirect and entrusted to the relatively low profile GOVORUN.
[Allegation 3]
The top level Russian government official described the PUTlN-Alpha relationship as both carrot and stick. Alpha held 'kompromat' on PUTIN and his corrupt business activities from the 1990s whilst although not personally overly bothered by Alpha's failure to reinvest the proceeds of its TNK oil company sale into the Russian economy Since, the president was able to use pressure on this count from senior Kremlin colleagues as a lever on FRIDMAN and AVEN to make them do his political bidding.
Report 11_ (9/13/16)
Allegation 1-3
[Allegation 1] proved. Alfa Group is one of Russia's largest privately owned investment groups, comprising of a portfolio of companies. The group was founded in 1989 as Alfa-Eco by Israeli-Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman, the second wealthiest man in Russia, in partnership with several other partners. Petr Olegovich Aven is an International businessman, economist and politician who heads Alfa-Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank.
On The Relation with Putin: this reference contain a section which suggests Alpha Group/Bank is VERY close with Putin-just as described in dossier. It states: "some parts of the dossier’s characterization of relations between Putin and Alfa Group appears to be on the mark, or close to it. Alfa Bank was rather fancifully linked with Trump by Democrat-leaning publications. The dossier paints a picture of a long-standing symbiotic relationship between Alfa Group and the Russian leader. Alfa owners Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven have provided Putin with valuable information through their own network of business contacts in the U.S., valued particularly because of the conflicting signals Putin was getting from his diplomats and spies regarding the success of the alleged operation.
Alfa/Alpha Group Consortium – Background

The Unusual Computer Server: not disproved. there were several theories being proposed after the computer server was analyzed by groups of computer scientists, some of them were innocuous, but suspicions was indicated by some analyst, particularly the fact that the server was immediately shut off after the issue being inquired by the media. see these references:

About Petr Aven: although Mueller report mentioned no name of Petr Aven in Links between Trump Campaign and Russia in the Campaign Period, but in the Transition Period, Aven was the one of the main figures in Mueller report who was identified as the alternative channel (to the government) - the oligarchy Russia business - who were trying to reach out the Trump Transition team. (go to this post and this subsection was all about Aven's outreach to Transition team). Aven regularly (on a quarterly basis) meet with Putin in the Kremlin; and Aven said that he took these meetings seriously and understood that any suggestions or critiques that Putin made during these meetings were implicit directives, and that there would be consequences if he did not follow through. On his last quarter meeting with Putin of the Election year, Putin raised the prospect that the United States would impose additional sanctions on Russian interests, including sanctions against Aven and/or Alfa-Bank. Putin spoke of the difficulty faced by the Russian government in getting in touch with the incoming Trump Administration. Aven told Putin he would take steps to protect Alfa-Bank from potential sanctions, and one of those steps would be to try to reach out to the incoming Administration. In December of the election, Aven tried to reach out the Transition team via Richard Burt who approached Dimitri Simes for help facilitating Aven's request. At the time, Simes was lobbying the Trump Transition Team to appoint Burt U.S. ambassador to Russia. Later Burt contacted Simes and asked if he could arrange a meeting with Kushner to discuss setting up a high-level communications channel between Putin and the incoming Administration.
[Allegation xnot disproved. Oleg Markovich Govorun is a Russian politician and the Minister of Regional Development.
Putin went to Uzbekistan in the same timeframe as described in the dossier: Russia's Putin offers support to new Uzbekistan leadership[Allegation 3] not disproved

Alfa Group ran TNK Oil sale as described in dossier & sold it to Rosneft-the Russian oil company (see this  reference)
Alfa/Alpha Group Consortium – Background
The Alleged 'Michael Cohen' s Meeting Aug/Sep in Prague with Russia   (set aside as explained in the comment)
Allegations Involving Michael Cohen (135, 136, 166)
The Alleged Role of Cohen

[Report 134 Allegation 4]
Speaking separately to the same compatriot in mid-October, a Kremlin insider with direct access to the leadership confirmed that a role in the secret Trump campaign/Kremlin relationship was being played by the Republican candidate's personal lawyer Michael COHEN. [Redacted]

[Report 135 Allegation 1]
Speaking in confidence to a longstanding compatriot friend in mid-October, a Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's lawyer, Michael COHEN, in the ongoing secret liaison relationship between the New York tycoon's campaign and the Russian leadership. COHEN's role had grown following the departure of Paul MANNAFORT as campaign manager in August. Prior to that MANNAFORT had led for the TRUMP side.

[Report 166 Allegation 1]

We reported previously (in Report 135 and 136) on secret meeting/s held in Prague, Czech Republic in August 2016 between then Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's representative, Michael COHEN and his interlocutors from the Kremlin working under cover of Russian 'NGO' Rossotrudnichestvo.

Plausible Deniability

[Report 136 Allegation x]
Continuing on this theme, the Kremlin insider highlighted the importance of the Russian parastatal organisation, Rossotrudnichestvo, in this contact between TRUMP campaign representative/s and Kremlin officials. Rossotrudnichestvo was being used as cover for this relationship and its office in Prague may well have been used to host the COHEN/Russian Presidential Administration (PA) meeting/s. It was considered a "plausibly deniable" vehicle for this, whilst remaining entirely under Kremlin control.

[Report 135 Allegation 3]
Things had become even "hotter" since August on the track. According to the Kremlin insider, this had meant that direct contact between the TRUMP team and Russia had been farmed out by the Kremlin to trusted agents of influence working in pro-government policy institutes like that of Law and Comparative Jurisprudence. COHEN however continued to lead for the TRUMP team.
[the summary portion of the report: These secret contacts continue but are now farmed out to trusted agents of influence working in pro-government policy institutes like that of Law and Comparative as to remain "plausibly deniable" for Russian regime]
[the comment portion of the report: The Kremlin insider was unsure of the identities of the PA officials with whom COHEN met secretly in August, or the exact date/s and locations of the meeting/s. There were significant internal security barriers being erected in the PA as the TRUMP issue became more controversial and damaging. However s/he continued to try to obtain these.]

[Report 136 Allegation 3]
The Kremlin insider went on to identify leading pro-PUTIN Duma figure, Konstantin KOSACHEV (Head of the Foreign Relations Committee) as an important figure in the TRUMP campaign-Kremlin liaison operation. KOSACHEV, also "plausibly deniable" being part of the Russian legislature rather than executive, had facilitated the contact in Prague and by implication, may have attended the meeting/s with COHEN there in August.

Agenda: Cover Up (Manafort and Cater Page) and Damage Limitation Operation
[Report 135 Allegation x]
According to the Kremlin insider, COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August. The immediate issues had been to contain further scandals involving MANNAFORT's commercial and political role in Russia/Ukraine and to limit the damage arising from exposure of former TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE's secret meetings with Russian leadership figures in Moscow the previous month. The......overall objective had been to "to sweep it all under the carpet and make sure no connections could be fully established or proven"
[Report 136 Allegation 1]
[similar to  Report 135 Allegation x with the additional information on the location of the meeting - Prague.]
Speaking to a compatriot and friend on 10/19//16, a Kremlin insider provided further details of reported clandestine meeting/s between Republican presidential candidate, Donald TRUMP's lawyer Michael COHEN and Kremlin representatives in August 2016. Although the communication between them had to be cryptic for security reasons, the Kremlin insider clearly indicated to his/her friend that the reported contact/s took place in Prague, Czech Republic.
[the comment portion of the report 136: We reported previously, in our Company Intelligence Report 135 of 10/19/16 from the same source, that COHEN met officials from the PA Legal Department clandestinely in an EU country in August 2016. This was in order to clean up the mess left behind by western media revelations of TRUMP ex-campaign manager MANAFORT's corrupt relationship with the former pro-Russian YANUKOVYCH regime in Ukraine and TRUMP foreign policy advisor, Carter PAGE's secret meetings in Moscow with senior regime figures in July 2016. According to the Kremlin advisor, these meeting/s were originally scheduled for COHEN in Moscow but shifted to......what was considered an operationally "soft" EU country when it was judged too compromising for him to travel to the Russian capital.]

[report 166 Allegation 3]

see content next

Agenda: Operative in Eastern Europe and Deniable Payments 
[report 166 Allegation x]
[Redacted] provided further details of these meeting/s and associated anti-CLINTON /Democratic Party operations. COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September. One of their main Russian interlocutors was Oleg SOLODUKHIN operating under Rossotrudnichestvo cover. According to [redacted], the agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations and Moscow's secret liaison with the TRUMP team more generally.

[Report 166 Allegation 3]
[Redacted] reported that over the period March-September 2016 a company called [redacted] and its affiliates had been using botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and conduct "altering operations" against the Democratic Party leadership. Entities linked to one [redacted] were involved and he and another hacking expert, both recruited under duress by the FSB, [redacted] were significant players in this operation. In Prague, COHEN agreed contingency plans for various scenarios to protect the operation, but in particular what was to be done in the event that Hillary CLINTON won the presidency. It was important in this event that all cash payments owed were made quickly and discreetly and that cyber and other operators were stood down/able to go effectively to ground to cover their traces. (We reported earlier that the involvement of political operatives Paul MANAFORT and Carter PAGE in the secret TRUMP/Kremlin liaison had been exposed in the media in the run-up to Prague and that damage limitation of these also was discussed by COHEN with the Kremlin representatives).
[Report 166 Allegation 4]
In terms of practical measures to be taken, it was agreed by the sides in Prague to stand down various "Romanian hackers" (presumably based in their homeland or neighboring eastern Europe) and that other operatives should head for a bolt-hole in Plovdiv, Bulgaria where they should "lay low". On payments, IVANOV's associate said that the operatives involved had been paid by both TRUMP's team and the Kremlin, though their orders and ultimate loyalty lay with IVANOV, as Head of the PA and thus ultimately responsible for the operation, and his designated successor/s after he was dismissed by president PUTIN in connection with the anti-CLINTON operation in mid August.
Agenda: Action In the Event of Clinton Victory

[report 166 Allegation 3]

see content above
Report 134 (10/18/16)
Allegation 4
Report 135 (10/19/16)
Allegations 1-3
Report 136 (10/20/16)
Allegations 1-3
Report 166
Allegations 1
source: reiteration
Allegations x
Allegation 3
Allegation 4
IVANOV's associate (no designation assigned, could be same as S(166).A which was redacted).

On the Very Existence of the alleged Prague Meeting

On The Identity Who was in the alleged Prague Meeting (Trump Side)
[author Hong Gan's comment]: saying to use Cohen for the cover up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of relationship with Russia being exposed does not made very much sense. By exposing the secret relationship to Trump's lawyer was not predicted to be effective for the Cover Up. In addition, see this media report Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name;
Although there was media report McClatchy’s Peter Stone and Greg Gordon
regarding special counsel's having evidence on whether Cohen had traveled to Prague or not in August (4/13/18), but in Mueller Report, there were no mention of anything about Cohen except his involvement in the Trump Tower Moscow Project.  Mueller's evidence was the detection outside Prague of Cohen's cell phone signal in the timeframe of the alleged meeting. But later findings confirmed that the cell phone was a Cohen-supplied or registered burner phone which many criminals could use to eliminate the trace of the activities. In the April (4/x/18) FBI Raid in Cohen's office, there were a dozen of burner cell phone found in Cohen's drawer [why Cohen did not throw away these burner phones instead kept them in his drawer, here was an explanation]. The burner cell phone could be the cell phone Trump Campaign had shared with.
Further media reporting revealed the fact that Donald Trump Jr's mother was born in then-Czechoslovakia and went to college in Prague. He speaks fluent Czech language Since he was a little kid, he routinely travelled to his maternal grandfather's house outside the Prague during summer time. (see this video at a forum site post titled as Who exactly was in Prague? by Dworkin: 'Here’s video I found of Donald Trump, Jr. speaking fluent Czech & saying he speaks it fluently. He then explains how he & his family went to Czech Rep every summer for months every year growing up. With all this Prague talk, this video is interesting
These media reports (see list next to this paragraph) also analyzed the tweet Michael Cohen voiced regarding his denial -'I have never been to Prague':
I hear is beautiful in the summertime. I wouldn’t know as I have never been. knows everything!”

Reference list:
Don Jr. May Have Gone to Prague, Not Michael Cohen (
Donald Trump Jr, Michael Cohen, and Prague
Michael Cohen Report Is Based On Third-Hand Information … (daily kos)
[also comment by Steele himself] "The Kremlin insider was unsure of the identities of the PA officials with whom COHEN met secretly in August, or the exact date/s and locations of the meeting/s. There were significant internal security barriers being erected in the PA as the TRUMP issue became more controversial and damaging. However s/he (refer to the source Kremlin insider] continued to try to obtain these"
this reference discussedWhy the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

On the alleged 'Growing Role' of Cohen

Plausible Deniability: NGO
Rossotrudnichestvo as the Cover [Report 136 Allegation x]
Rossotrudnichestvo is an autonomous Russian federal government agency under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is a Russian government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid. Rossotrudnichestvo operates in Central Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe (but mostly in Commonwealth of Independent States). Oleg Solodukhin does indeed run the NGO out of Prague, Czech Rep.
"Western intelligence has also obtained reports that a Trump associate met with a pro-Putin member of Russian parliament at a building in Eastern Europe maintained by Rossotrudnichestvo, an agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that is charged with administering language, education and support programs for civilians."

Plausible Deniability: Konstantin Kosachev

is Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council. He was appointed head of Rossotrudnichestvo in 2012. According to a former Pentagon official, “While not a member of Putin’s innermost circle, [Kosachev] is one of the most influential Russian voices on foreign affairs. When Kosachev speaks, everyone knows he’s speaking for the Kremlin.”. These references implicates Kosachev 's opinion on Mueller's findings.

Russia's REACTION on Mueller report (The Guardians) included Kosachev's opinion and  statements on the Mueller Findings.

Plausible Deniability: Farm Out

[Report 135 Allegation  3]

not disproved.

"The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation is a research organisation incorporated as a federal state research institution." The author of the Annotated Dossier implicate the institute could be the alfa group. that I (Hong Gan, the author of this blog) believe it was due to the story of the unusual computer sever.

Agenda: Cover Up (Manafort And Cater Page) and Damage Limitation Operation

Agenda: Operative/Hackers in Eastern European Countries and Deniable Payments
[Report 166 Allegation 3, 4] 
___ Romanian operative:
Romanian hackers took over D.C. surveillance cameras just
Romania: Haven for hackers turned cyber sleuths - USA TODAY
Romanian hackers charged with disabling DC police cameras
Romanian hackers infiltrated 65% of DC outdoor

Marcel Lazăr Lehel, known as Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker responsible for high-level computer security breaches in the U.S. and Romania. Lehel targeted celebrities, Romanian and U.S. government officials, and other prominent persons. Lehel first appeared in news media in February 2013 after the website The Smoking Gun reported he was responsible for hacking the AOL account of Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former president George W. Bush. Family photos of former president George H. W. Bush, who Marcel Lazăr Lehel, known as Guccifer, is a Romanian hacker responsible for high-level computer security breaches in the U.S. and Romania. Lehel targeted celebrities, Romanian and U.S. government officials, and other prominent persons. Lehel first appeared in news media in February 2013 after the website The Smoking Gun reported he was responsible for hacking the AOL account of Dorothy Bush Koch, sister of former president George W. Bush. Family photos of former president George H. W. Bush, who according to this media report Mueller's indictment to GRU appear to indicate the hacker invented the fictitious Romanian hacker to cover GRU's track.

___Bulgaria bolt hole
Agenda: Action In the Event of Clinton Victory

Return To Table of Contents

Trump Campaign and Kremlin's Reactions to Negative Media Reports on (wider) Pro-Trump Operations

[Kremlin: Report 97, 100, 111] and [Trump Campaign: Report 10_, portions of 95]

allegations Report / Allegations / SourcesLater Findings
Russia's Reaction And Cover Up (Report 97, 100, 111)
The Political Fallout And The Backlash (from recent western media revelations about Moscow's (extensive) pro-TRUMP and anti-CLINTON operations.)
(Report 97, 111, Report 130 Allegation 1
[Report 97 Allegation 1(B)]
Speaking in confidence to a trusted associate in late July, a Russian emigre' figure close to Donald Trump's campaign team commented [....Allegation 1(A)] 
The emigre' said there was a high level of anxiety within the TRUMP team as a result of various accusations leveled against them and indications from the Kremlin that President PUTIN and others in the leadership thought things had gone too far now and risked spiraling out of control.
Report 97 (7/30/16)
Allegations 1(B)
[Report 97 Allegation 1(B)] not disproved. Whether Putin and others in the leadership thought 'things had gone too far now and risked spiraling out of control' was not clear
[Report 130 Allegation 1]
Speaking separately in confidence to a trusted compatriot in early October, a senior Russian leadership figure and a Foreign Ministry official reported on recent developments concerning the Kremlin's operation to support Republican candidate Donald Trump in the US presidential election. The senior leadership figure said that
a degree of buyer's remorse was setting in among Russian leaders concerning Trump. PUTIN and his colleagues were surprised and disappointed that leaks of Hillary CLINTON's hacked e-mails had not had greater impact on the campaign.
report 130 (10/12/16)
Allegation 1
[Report 130 Allegation 1]
not disapproved. Whether Putin was disappointed or not on the impact of the leaks of hacked Clinton email on the campaign was not clear.
Cover Up Reaction: Putin Instructed On 'Silence' (Report 97 and 111)
[Report 97 Allegation x] S(97).A]
Continuing on this theme, the emigre' associate of Trump opined that the Kremlin wanted the situation to calm but for 'plausible deniability' to be maintained concerning its (extensive) pro-TRUMP and anti-CLINTON operations. S/he [émigré figure] therefore judged that it was unlikely these would be ratcheted up, at least for the time being.
[Report 111 Allegation 1]
Speaking in confidence to a trusted compatriot in mid-September, a senior member of the Russian Presidential Administration (PA), commented on the political fallout from recent western media revelations about Moscow's intervention, in favor of Donald Trump and against Hillary CLINTON, in the US presidential election. The PA official reported that the issue had become incredibly sensitive and that President PUTIN had issued direct orders that Kremlin and government insiders should not discuss it in public or even in private. [in the summary portion of the report: Kremlin (Putin) orders senior staff to remain silent in media and private on allegations of Russian interference in US presidential campaign.] 
Report 97 (7/30/16)
Allegations x


Report 111
Allegations 1
S(111).C (corroborator)
S(111).D (corroborator)
[Report 97 Allegation x] proved. After WikiLeaks' release on 7/22/16 of Clinton email and DNC documents. There was no ratcheted up, at least for the time being before early October. The next release was on 10/7/16 of Podesta email.
[Report 111 Allegation 1] not disproved. whether Putin asked senior officials to remain silent was not known; but makes sense if he did so
Cover Up Reaction: withdraw of Mikhail KULAGIN
[Report 111 Allegation 5]
Finally, speaking separately to the same compatriot, a senior Russian MFA official reported that as a prophylactic measure, a leading Russian diplomat Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement-in the US presidential election operation, including the so-called veterans' pensions ruse (reported previously), would be exposed in the media there. His replacement, Andrei BONDAREV however was clean in this regard. [in the summary portion of the report: Senior Russian diploma{withdrawn from Washington embassy on account of potential exposure in US presidential election operation.] 
Report 111
Allegations 5
[Report 111 Allegation 5] It is known that a Russian diplomat named Mikhail Kalugin, the head of the Russian embassy's economics section, was recalled from Washington in August 2016. Officials verify Russian dossier claim diplomat who fled US to hide election interference was spy
Cover Up Reaction: the sacking of Ivanov (8/12/16) (Report 111 Allegation x(C), Report 135 Allegation 4)
[Report 111 Allegation x(C)] .........
reports IVANOV sacked as Head of Administration on account of giving PUTIN poor advice on issue. VAINO selected as his replacement partly because he was not involved in pro-TRUMP, anti-CLINTON operation/s
[Report 135 Allegation 4]
 Referring back to the (surprise) sacking of Sergei IVANOV as Head of PA in August 2016, his replacement by Anton VAINO and the appointment of former Russian premier Sergei KIRIYENKO to another senior position in the PA, the Kremlin insider repeated that this had been directly connected to the TRUMP support operation and the need to cover up now that it was being exposed by the USG and in the western media. Further confirmation that sacking of IVANOV and appointments of VAINO and KIRIYENKO linked to need to cover up Kremlin's TRUMP support operation
Report 111
Allegation x(C)
S(111).C (corroborator)
S(111).D (corroborator)
Report 135 (10/19/16)
Allegation 4

[Report 135 Allegation 4] proved. Ivanov was believed to be responsible for the intelligence gathering and pro-Trump operation. Ivanov was fired and succeeded by VAINO in 8/12/16. Kiriyenko is Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of Russia.
Cover Up Reaction: Putin's Disappointment (Report 130 Allegation 3)
[Report 130 Allegation 3]The Russian Foreign Ministry official [one of the confidant to the Source - compatriot] reported that PUTIN was angry at his subordinate's "over-promising" on Trump both in terms of his chances and reliability and being able to cover and/or contain the US backlash over Kremlin interference. More heads therefore might roll, with the MFA the easiest target. Ironically, despite his consistent urging of caution on the Issue, Foreign Minister LAVROV could be the next one to go.
Report 130 (10/12/16)
Allegation 3
[Report 130 Allegation 3]: not disapproved. whether Putin was angry on his subordinates' over-promising and whether there were more heads to roll was not clear. But another figure other than of MFA - Ivanov - was indeed fired by Putin as his chief of PA (presidential administration) on 8/12/16.
It emerged that Russia had charged three FSB agents and an executive of a cyber security company, Kaspersky Labs, with treason. some have speculated that they could be related to anonymous sources in the dossier who were identified. (see these  reference)
Shocking details as Russian spies charged with treason
Russia accuses cybersecurity experts of treasonous links to CIA
Arrested Russian FSB Agents Allegedly Passed Information to CIA
The Divisions In Moscow (arising from the extensive/wider pro-TRUMP operations) (Report 100 and 111)

[report 111 states] "Despite this, the PA official [S(111).A]confirmed, from direct knowledge, that the gist of the allegations [allegation 1] was true. PUTIN had been receiving conflicting advice on interfering from three separate and expert groups."

Division; A. Ivanov
{Report 100 Allegation 1, Report 111 Allegation x(C), Report 135 Allegation 4}
[Report 100 Allegation 1]
Speaking in early August, well-placed and established Kremlin sources [S(100).A S(100).B] outlined the divisions and backlash in Moscow arising from the leaking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mails and the wider pro-TRUMP operation being conducted in the US. Head of Presidential Administration, Sergei IVANOV, was angry at the recent turn of events. He believed the Kremlin "team" involved, led by presidential spokesman Dmitriy PESKOV, had gone too far in interfering in foreign affairs with their "elephant in a china shop black PR". IVANOV claimed always to have opposed the handling and exploitation of intelligence by this PR "team". Following the backlash against such foreign interference in US politics, IVANOV was advocating that the only sensible course of action now for the Russian leadership was to "sit tight and deny everything".

[Report 111 Allegation x(C)]
On the other side was former PA Head, Sergei IVANOV, backed by Russian Foreign Intelligence (SVR), who had advised PUTIN that the anti-CLINTON operations would be both effective and plausibly deniable with little blowback. The first group/s {group A and B - allegations x(A) and x(B)} had been proven right and this had been the catalyst in PUTIN's decision to sack IVANOV (unexpectedly) as PA Head in August. His successor, Anton VAINO, had been selected for the job partly because he had not been involved in the US presidential election operation/s. [in the summary portion of the report: IVANOV was sacked as Head of Administration on account of giving PUTIN poor advice on issue. VAINO selected as his replacement partly because he was not involved in pro-TRUMP, anti-CLINTON operation/s]
[Report 135 Allegation 4]
Referring back to the (surprise) sacking of Sergei IVANOV as Head of PA in August 2016, his replacement by Anton VAINO and the appointment of former Russian premier Sergei KIRIYENKO to another senior position in the PA, the Kremlin insider repeated that this had been directly connected to the TRUMP support operation and the need to cover up now that it was being exposed by the USG and in the western media.

Report 100
Allegation 1

Report 111
Allegation x(C)
Report 135
Allegation 4
Putin is expected to receive different opinions and advices from his subordinates.
[Report 100 Allegation 1]: might be true, not disproved
the then PA Ivanov appeared to be the one responsible for the pro-Trump, anti-Clinton operation. In Report 101 (8/10/16) described Ivanov's assessment on the impact and results of the operation to date as well as the audience to be targeted. On August 12, 2016, Ivanov was fired from his head of PA position by Putin and replaced by Anton Vaino. Ivanov then became a special envoy for transportation and the environment.
Division; B. Sergei KISLYAK and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Minister LAVROV) (Report 111 Allegation x(A), Report 130 Allegation 3)

[Report 111 Allegation x(A)]

On one side had been the Russian ambassador to the US, Sergei KISLYAK and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, [together with group B - allegation x(B)] who had urged caution and the potential negative impact on Russia from the operation/s.
[Report 130 Allegation 3]
The Russian Foreign Ministry official, who had direct access to the TRUMP support operation, reported that PUTIN was angry at his subordinate's "over-promising" on the Republican presidential candidate, both in terms of his chances and reliability and being able to cover and/or contain the US backlash over Kremlin interference. More heads therefore were likely to roll, with the MFA the easiest target. Ironically, despite his consistent urging of caution on the Issue, Foreign Minister LAVROV could be the next one to go.
Report 111
Allegation x(A)
Report 130 (10/12/16)
Allegation 3
[Report 111 Allegation x(A)] not disproved.
Division; C. Yuri USHAKOV
[Report 111 Allegation x(B)]
together with an independent and informal network run by presidential foreign policy advisor, Yuri USHAKOV (KISLYAK's predecessor in Washington) who had urged caution and the potential negative impact on Russia from the operation/s.
Report 111
Allegation x(B)
[Report 111 Allegation x(B)]
not disproved.
Yuri Ushakov is a Russian diplomat and was Russia's Ambassador to the United States from 1999 to 2008, when Kislyak became the Ambassador. His opinion on the issue was not known
The Division: D. PESKOV (Report 100 Allegation x)
[Report 100 Allegation x]
Continuing on this theme the source close to IVANOV reported that PESKOV now was "scared shitless" that he would be scapegoated by PUTIN and the Kremlin and held responsible for the backlash against Russian political interference in the US election. IVANOV was stop PESKOV playing an independent role in relation to the US going forward and the source fully expected the presidential spokesman now to lay low. PESKOV's position was not helped by a botched attempt by him also to interfere in the recent failed coup from a government relations (GR) perspective (no further details). [in summary portion of the report:Presidential spokesman PESKOV the main protagonist in Kremlin campaign to aid TRUMP and damage CLINTON. He is now scared and fears being made scapegoat by leadership for backlash in US. Problem compounded by his botched intervention in recent Turkish crisis ]
Report 100
Allegation x
[Report 100 Allegation x]:
not disproved.
Peskov was alleged in report 80, and 111 to be the one who control the Kompromat on Clinton (the Clinton Dossier). whether or not he was scared and feared being made scapegoat for backlash in media report was not clear.
The Division:E. MEDVEDEV (Report 100 Allegation 3)
[Report 100 Allegation 3]
The extent of disquiet and division within Moscow caused by the backlash against Russian interference in the US election was underlined by a second source, close to premier Dmitriy MEDVEDEV (DAM). S/he said the Russian prime minister and his colleagues wanted to have good relations with the US, regardless of who was in power there, and not least so as to be able to travel there in future, either officially or privately. They were openly refusing to cover up for PESKOV and others involved in the operations or to support his counter-attack of allegations against the USG for its alleged hacking of the Russian government and state agencies.
[in summary portion of the report: Premier MEDVEDEV's office furious over DNC hacking and associated anti-Russian publicity. Want good relations with US and ability to travel there. Refusing to support or help cover up after PESKOV.]
Report 100
Allegation 3
[Report 100 Allegation 3]:
not disproved. There appears to be no media reports on Medvedev's opinion and involvement in the Russia Election Meddling 
The Division: Liberal Elements in Moscow Wish Trump to Withdraw
[Report 100 Allegation 4]
According to the first source, close to IVANOV, there had been talk in the Kremlin of TRUMP being forced to withdraw from the presidential race altogether as a result of recent events, ostensibly on grounds of his state and unsuitability for high office. This might not be so bad for Russia in the circumstances but in the view of the source, it remained largely wishful thinking on the part of those in the regime opposed to PESKOV and his "botched" operations, at least for the time being. [in the summary portion of the report:  Talk now in Kremlin of TRUMP withdrawing from presidential race altogether, but this still largely wishful thinking by more liberal elements in Moscow]
Report 100
Allegation 4
[Report 100 Allegation 4]
not disproved
Despite The Division; There was a Consensus
[Report 111 Allegation 4]
The senior PA official also reported that a growing element in Moscow's intervention in the US presidential election campaign was the objective of shifting the US political consensus in Russia's perceived interests regardless of who won. It basically comprised of pushing candidate CLINTON away from President policies. The best example of this was that both candidates now openly opposed the draft trade agreements, TPP and TTIP, which were assessed by Moscow as detrimental to Russian interests. Other issues where the Kremlin was looking to shift the US policy consensus were Ukraine and Syria. Overall however, the presidential election was considered still to be too close to call. [in the summary portion of the report: However, equally important is Kremlin objective to shift policy consensus favorably to Russia in US whoever wins. Both presidential candidates' opposition to TPP and TTIP viewed as a result in this respect.]
Report 111
Allegations 4

[Report 111 Allegation 4]: proved. Both Trump and Clinton opposed TPP and TIPP. Trump withdrew US from TPP. One of Donald Trump's first decisions was to pullout from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. This gives Russia and China a chance to jumpstart talks on setting up free trade areas with Asian partners.
Trump And Trump Campaign's Reaction To The Negative Media Reports And The Tactics Forward 
(Report 10_, portion of 95)
Reaction: The Anxiety And The Resentment
[Report 97 Allegation 1]
Speaking in confidence to a trusted associate in late July, a Russian emigre' figure close to the Donald Trump's campaign team commented on the fallout from publicity surrounding the Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mail hacking scandal. The emigre' said that there was a high level of anxiety within the TRUMP team as a result of various accusations leveled against the DNC e-mail hacking scandal. them and indications from the Kremlin that President PUTIN and others in the leadership thought things had gone too far now and risked spiralling out of control.
[Report 10_ Allegation 3]
However, associate also admitted that there was a fair amount of anger and resentment within the Republican candidate's team at what was perceived by PUTIN as going beyond the objective of weakening CLINTON and bolstering TRUMP, by attempting to exploit the situation to undermine the US government and democratic system more generally. It was unclear at present how this aspect of the situation would play out in the weeks to come.
Report 97
Allegation 1
Report 10_
Allegation 3
[Report 97 Allegation 1]
proved.  According to Mueller report, beginning later (8/x/16), Trump Campaign started to seeking to distance itself from Russian contacts. Trump repeated "I have nothing to do with Russia" five times. He denied any business dealings in Russia
[Report 10- Allegation 3]
not disproved
Anxiety But Relatively Relaxed: The Substantial Corruption in Business Deals in Emerging Markets
[Report 95 Allegation 5] Commenting on the negative media publicity surrounding alleged Russian interference in the US election campaign in support of TRUMP, Source E said he understood that the Republican candidate and his team were relatively relaxed about this because it deflected media and the Democrats' attention away from TRUMP's business dealings in China and other emerging markets. Unlike in Russia, these were substantial and involved the payment of large bribes and kickbacks which, were they to become public, would be potentially very damaging to their campaign.
95 (7/x/16)
Allegation 5
E, E.Confidant
[Report 95 Allegation 5]
proved. Trump/Trump associates were relatively relaxed made sense. Trump did have been given registered trademark in China.
According to ProPublica - Trump’s Troubling Deals with Foreign Power-Players - Trump projects in India, Uruguay, Georgia, Indonesia, and the Philippines have involved government officials or people with close ties to powerful political figures.
In addition, see these References on the issue of 'Bribery'.
Strong Evidence of Trump Bribery Keeps Emerging
Political Corruption and the Art of the Deal - How Trump's business partnerships in India are creating conflicts of interest in the White House and corrupting the presidency
How The Trump Organization Mixes Business And Politics In India(NPR)
Major New Investigation into Trump Real Estate Deals in India Reveals Corruption, Lawsuits, Fraud
Bribery, Corruption, Money Laundering: The Many Investigations Into Trump Business Partners - 
Trump’s Indonesian business partner is just the latest to come under investigation.
Tactics In Response to The Negative Media Reaction
[Report 10_ Allegation x]
Continuing on this theme, the ethnic Russian associate of Trump assessed that the problem was that the TRUMP campaign had underestimated the strength of the negative reaction from liberals and especially the conservative elite to Russian interference. This was forcing a rethink and a likely change of tactics. The main objective in the short term was to check Democratic candidate Hillary CLINTON's successful exploitation of the PUTIN as bogeyman/Russian interference story to tarnish TRUMP and bolster her own (patriotic) credentials. The TRUMP campaign was focusing on tapping into support in the American television media to achieve this, as they reckoned this resource had been underused by them to date. [in the summary portion of the report: Admits Republican campaign underestimated resulting negative reaction from US liberals, elite and media and forced to change course as result]
Report 10_
Allegation x
[report 10_ Allegation x]
not disproved
On Trump Campaign's underestimation of the Media

On the Tactics:

Return To Table of Contents

Steele's Source Network - Designations

This designation was prompted by the Inspector General's 12/9/19 report, which provided some information about Steele's source network, in order to analyze and defend Steele's reliability and to analyze how primary the Primary sub-source is in the Steele Dossier. IG report identified a Primary sub-source and Person 1 [IG report indicated that Person 1 is source E] for the Steele Dossier. Steele himself only designated sources A-G in his first report (report 80), he did not encode any other sources in his subsequent reports. The designation I adopted is for the purpose to organize and analyze the Steele's source network - an issue brought by the OIG report.

For example in the designation S(95).A, S stands for source, the number 95 in the () is the report # in which the source occurred that is different from the source A-G, A stand for the source in the order they appeared in the report if a report contain multiple sources. source S(95).A.Confidant indicates the flow of intelligence from S(95).A to his/her Confidant [usually appeared in the report as 'speaking to a (trusted) compatriot, source S(95).A said that ...]. Therefore S(95).A is the sub-source of S(95).A.Confidant. In addition, {A-B}.Confidant would indicate both A and B was the sub-source of {A-B}.Confidant in a report.

If company is in the designation, for example E.Company, it does not imply the flow of the intelligence. E may not be the sub-source of E.Company. Instead E.Company was in presence in the alleged event where E was also in presence.

Source Relevant
Entity In Dossier
Identity (external to Dossier) with Reference
report 80,
Source A: a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure
A-B.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of source A and B
report 80,
source B: former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin
A-B.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of source A and B [i.e. A and B were the sub-source of A-B.Confidant]
former Russian foreign intelligence (SVR) chief Trubnikov, according to
State Department Kathleen's notes
see these references:
Steele Identified Russian Dossier Sources, Notes Reveal (Dailycaller)
report 80, Csenior Russian financial official [source C might be the sub-source of A-B.Confidant as well, but the report 80 allegation 1 did not state this very clearly.]
report 80, Da close associate of TRUMP who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow, and who reported, 6/x/16, that this Russian intelligence had been "very helpful". {this Russian intelligence refers to the intelligence on Trump's opponents including Hilary Clinton}
report 80,
Source E: an ethnic Russian close associate of Donald TRUMP
E.Company was the E's company who was introduced to F by E in allegation 4 (A) [confirmation of golden shower]. E.Company could be D who was also an associate of Trump and who was also present in the hotel during the alleged episode {see allegation 3 (B). But Steele did not explicitly say so.
E might be Sergei Millian discovered by media and the media report did not distinguish D/E. See these references:
Washington Post
Source D: Who is the mystery informant behind the Trump-Russia dossier?
report 80, Fa female staffer at the Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel when TRUMP had stayed there
report 80,
source G: a senior Kremlin official
Confidant: according to allegation 6 statement: "source G confided that... " Whether G.Confidant was the same one as A-B.Confidant Steele did not say.

report 86
a former senior intelligence officer   report #86 does not involve Primary sub-source and Person 1
report 86
a senior government figure
report 86
S(86).C: Russian IT specialist with direct knowledge on FSB's recruitment of capable cyber operatives.
S(86).D:  an IT operator inside a leading Russian SOE, who previously had been employed on conventional (defensive) IT work there
S(86).E: an FSB cyber operative
Report 94
S(94).A: a Russian source close to Rosneft President Igor SECHIN who was PUTIN's close associate and US-sanctioned individual
S(94).A.Confidant: Speaking in July, S(94).A confided ....
IG Horowitz report implicated S(94).A.Confidant was the Primary sub-source from his discussion on FBI's Jan interview with the Prmary sub-source regarding report 134.
Report 94
S(94).B: an official close to Presidential Administration Head, S. IVANOV who [S(94).B] was a colleague of Igor DIVYEKIN in the Internal Political Department of the PA
S(94).B.Confidant: the confidant compatriot of S(94).B
S(94).B.Confidant could be same as S(94).A.Confidant

Report 95
E, E.Confidant
E.Confidant: compatriot of Source EE.Confidant should be the Primary sub-source for Report 95 allegations 1-5 (not 6), based on IG Horowitz report's discussion on FBI's interview with Steele and the alleged call from source E (Person 1) to the Primary sub-source.
Report 95
a separate source [other than E] with direct knowledge about Trump's business in Russia
Report 97
S(97).A: a Russian emigre' figure close to Trump Campaign
S(97).A.Confidant: a trusted associate of S(97).A
S(97).A should be E
S(97).A.Confidant should be the Primary sub-source, based on IG Horowitz report's discussion on FBI's interview with Steele and the alleged call from source E (Person 1) to the Primary sub-source.
report 100
well-placed and established Kremlin sourcesreport 100 does not appear to involve Primary sub-source and Person 1
report 100
well-placed and established Kremlin sources
report 100
close to IVANOV (might be the same as S(100).A)
report 100
close to premier Dmitriy MEDVEDEV (DAM) (might be the same as S(100).B)
report 101
close colleague to Presidential Administration (PA) Sergei IVANOVS(101).A could be the same as S(100).C and S(100).A
report 101
a Kremlin official involved in US relations Report 101 does not appear to involve Primary sub-source and Person 1
Report 10_
an ethnic Russian associate of TRUMPS(10_).A might be the same as E, though Steele did not explicitly said so in his report. According to IG Horowtiz report's discussion on FBI's interview with Steele, S(10_).A should be E (Person 1). Whether Primary sub-source was involved or not was not very clearly stated in the report [Steele report]. Only the first paragraph mentioned 'speaking in confidence on 8/9/16, [S(10_).A discussed...], but did not say 'speaking in confidence to whom'.

Report 105
a well-placed Russian figure Report 105 does not appear to involve  Person 1
Report 105
an American political figure associated with Donald Trump and his campaign
Report 111

S(111).A: a senior member of the Russian Presidential Administration (PA)
S(111).B: a senior Russian MFA official
{S(111).A-S(111).B}.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of S(111).A and S(111).B.[i.e. both S(111).A and S(111).B were the sub-source of S(111).A.Confidant in this report]
S(111).A could be the same as S(94).B, S(100).A, S(100).C, and S(101).A
S(111).B could be Source A
According to IG Horowitz report, {S(111).A-S(111).B}.Confidant was the Primary sub-source from his discussion on Primary sub-source's concern about 'analytical conclusion'
Report 111
S(111).C: a former top level Russian intelligence officer
S(111).D: a Kremlin insider
[In the Company Comment portion of report 111: The substance of what was reported by the senior Russian PA official {S(111).A in allegation 1 and x}, including the reasons for Sergei IVANOV's dismissal, was corroborated independently by a former top level Russian intelligence officer and Kremlin insider, also in mid-September.]
S(111).C might be the same as source B in report 80 who could be former Russian foreign intelligence (SVR) chief Trubnikov
Report 11_
S(11_).A: a top level Russian government official
S(11_).A.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of  S(11_).A

Report 113
S(113).A: Knowledgeable St Petersburg local political/business elite
{S(113).A-S(113).B}.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of S(113).A and S(113).B.

Report 113
S(113).B: Knowledgeable St Petersburg local, involved in the local services and tourist industry
Report 130
S(130).A: a senior Russian leadership figure
S(130).B: a Foreign Ministry official who had direct access to the Trump support operation.
{S(130).A-S(130).B}.Confidant: a trusted compatriot to both S(130).A and S(130).B
S(130).B might be the same as S(111).B
Report 134
S(134).A and S(134).A.Confidant
S(134).A: a close associate of Rosneft President and PUTIN ally Igor SECHIN
S(134).A.Confidant: a trusted compatriot of S(134).A
S(134).A should be the same as S(94).A
S(134).A.Confidant should be same as S(94).A.Confidant
According to IG Horowitz report, S(134).A.Confidant was the Primary sub-source which in turn implicate S(94).A.Confidant was the Primary sub-source

Report 135 and 136
S(135).A: a Kremlin insider
S(135).A.Confidant: a longstanding compatriot of S(135).A
S(134).A.Confidant and S(135).A.Confidant might be same. Because S(135).A was the sub-source of S(134).A.Confidant in report 134 allegation 4
The Kremlin insider in Report 136 (10/20/16) is the same as the Kremlin insider in report 135 (10/19/16). (Steele explicitly stated so in the comment portion of the report 136). Both report were allegations regarding Cohen's Prague secret meeting. The compatriot confidant of the Kremlin insider in Report 136 should be the same as S(135).A.Confidant as well.
According to IG Horowitz report, S(135).A.Confidant was the Primary sub-source from his disscussion on Primary sub-source's concern about 'analytical conclusion'

Report 166
S(166).A: source description was redacted (blacked out)
In Allegation 4, IVANOV's associate was mentioned. Whether s/he was same as S(166).A Steele did not say.

Table Legend: (this table legend also apply to the tables in other posts in the Categories - post-Mueller Russia Collusion Analysis)
  • Date format: month/day/year. If month or day was not known it was replaced with x. This is to leave flexibility that the date and time might be filled when it was known from other sources of information on the public domain. The seasonal division was: for summer as the example - either June or July, if it is late summer - Aug.
  • Source Legend: A-G was specified by Steele in Report 80. Other non-coded sources in Steele report was designated as S(report#).A (in alphabetical order in the sequence of their appearance in each report). It might be the case that some source in different report are same. But if Steele did not say they are same, they will be treated as different sources.
  • The Office, The Investigation: refer to Mueller's Office and Mueller's Investigation.
  • Allegation Legend: some allegations were subdivided by subject and theme. [the author of this blog]designated them as allegation 1(A), allegation 1(B), allegation 1(C) and....
  • The Pageant: 2013 Miss Universe Pageant held in Moscow.
  • The Project: Trump Tower Moscow Project
  • The Forum: St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
  • Black Ledger: a ledger recorded the illegal cash Yanukovych and his entourage (the Party of Regions and pro-Russian government) spent on politics. The secret ledger was investigated by Ukraine anti-corruption bureau. Manafort's name had appeared in the ledger
  • The Election: Presidential Election
  • The Campaign: Trump Campaign
  • The Transition Team or The Incoming Administration: Trump Transition Team or Incoming Trump Administration
  • MFA, PA
  • [Black(ed) Out]: the text was redacted; [black out: HOM]: the text was redacted in Mueller report due to Harmful to Ongoing Matter (HOM)


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